Thumb and the Bad Guys
(Kindle Book, OverDrive Read)
Thumb and his best friend, Susan, love movie nights, when the entire community of New Auckland gathers in the school gym to eat popcorn and watch videos. Mostly they are movies about bad guys being tracked down by cool detectives. It's the villains, Thumb realizes, that make life interesting. If only he could track down a bad guy. But New Auckland is a remote fishing village. There are only 143 people in the entire community. How could there possibly be bad guys around? Thumb is determined, and so he and Susan conduct a stakeout. Their suspicions soon focus on Kirk McKenna, a toothless, bald fisherman. They track Kirk to a hidden shed in the woods, where they hear the muffled but chilling sounds of wailing. Meanwhile, their teacher sends the kids off to solve a different kind of mystery — an archeological one that leads them to the possible site of an early European gun placement. Suddenly mysteries abound for Thumb and his friends.
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Reviews from GoodReads
Ken Roberts. (2009). Thumb and the Bad Guys. Groundwood Books Ltd.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Ken Roberts. 2009. Thumb and the Bad Guys. Groundwood Books Ltd.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Ken Roberts, Thumb and the Bad Guys. Groundwood Books Ltd, 2009.
MLA Citation (style guide)Ken Roberts. Thumb and the Bad Guys. Groundwood Books Ltd, 2009.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- bioText: Ken Roberts is the author of several popular books for young readers. He is chief librarian of the Hamilton Public Library and lives with his family near Brantford, Ontario.
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Thumb and his best friend, Susan, love movie nights, when the entire community of New Auckland gathers in the school gym to eat popcorn and watch videos. Mostly they are movies about bad guys being tracked down by cool detectives. It's the villains, Thumb realizes, that make life interesting. If only he could track down a bad guy. But New Auckland is a remote fishing village. There are only 143 people in the entire community. How could there possibly be bad guys around? Thumb is determined, and so he and Susan conduct a stakeout. Their suspicions soon focus on Kirk McKenna, a toothless, bald fisherman. They track Kirk to a hidden shed in the woods, where they hear the muffled but chilling sounds of wailing. Meanwhile, their teacher sends the kids off to solve a different kind of mystery — an archeological one that leads them to the possible site of an early European gun placement. Suddenly mysteries abound for Thumb and his friends.
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Thumb and his best friend, Susan, love movie nights, when the entire community of New Auckland gathers in the school gym to eat popcorn and watch videos. Mostly they are movies about bad guys being tracked down by cool detectives. It's the villains, Thumb realizes, that make life interesting. If only he could track down a bad guy. But New Auckland is a remote fishing village. There are only 143 people in the entire community. How could there possibly be bad guys around? Thumb is determined, and so he and Susan conduct a stakeout. Their suspicions soon focus on Kirk McKenna, a toothless, bald fisherman. They track Kirk to a hidden shed in the woods, where they hear the muffled but chilling sounds of wailing. Meanwhile, their teacher sends the kids off to solve a different kind of mystery — an archeological one that leads them to the possible site of an early European gun placement. Suddenly mysteries abound for Thumb and his friends.
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- Thumb and the Bad Guys
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- Groundwood Books Ltd
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